Someone asked me recently if Norah is “like that” because I’m tired out from the other two. I didn’t bother to ask what she meant by “like that”…anyone who has met Norah knows that she’s what you might call a “spirited” child.
I’m sure it’s at least partially my fault that she’s “like that,” but I think being the 3rd child has something to do with it too. She is extremely independent, because we’re not always hovering around to help her like we were when we only had 1 kid or even 2. Today, Norah was trying to get something on top of the entertainment center, which over 5′ tall. I caught her heading in with a second stool to put on top of the first one since she still couldn’t reach. She learned to dress herself and zip her sweatshirt before Adlani did, even though he’s 2 years older. Nothing stands in her way.
Aliya knew at a young age that there were words she wasn’t supposed to say, even if we said them occasionally, and Adlani was pretty oblivious to the “bad words” so he didn’t often repeat them and get us in trouble. Norah, however, has absolutely no filter. If she knows that she’s not supposed to say something, that’s even more reason to say it. Being extremely curious, having no restraint, and being naturally loud is a bad combination (her preschool teacher actually had the nurse check her ears to see if there was a medical reason that she talks so loud).
Recent comments from Norah (all spoken at top volume):
To a lady in Wal-Mart: “IS THAT FAKE HAIR???”
To me in Mel’s, a restaurant with very tight quarters: “WHY IS THAT GUY SO FAT???”
When she drank out of the wrong cup in a restaurant: “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!”
To random friends and family members: “MY DAD CALLS YOU STUPID.”
Me: “Your hair looks like-” Norah: “HELL??”
I’m pretty sure that someday she’s going to become a well-behaved young lady, but for now all I can do is tire her out and grab the few hours of peace while I can. There’s a song on my iPod with the lyrics, “She looks like an angel when she’s sleeping, but she looks like Charles Bronson when she cries.” I can’t help but think of Norah when it hear it. Or when I heard “Born to be Wild.”
It’s a good thing she’s cute.