#35of365 – Mine, All Mine

We arrived in Vegas last night after an extremely long flight. The guy sitting in the middle seat next to me was a broad-shouldered football player type so I spent the whole flight leaning to the right into the aisle. To make matters worse, I have been getting a cold and the dry air in the plane was brutal. By the time we got to our hotel rooms it was 4:30 a.m. Eastern time, 1:30 a.m. in Vegas. I had to take some quick photos before going to bed because my room (650 sf) at the Venetian is gorgeous!

#34of365 – Traveling Light

I’m all packed and ready to go for my trip to Las Vegas tomorrow. It’s amazing how easy it is to pack for a business trip once you’re used to packing for 5. I’ve already made it clear to my coworkers that I am not going to be responsible for them in any way, so I’m looking forward to 5 days of wiping my own nose, dressing and feeding myself, picking up my own crap, and combing the dreadlocks out of my own hair. I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and travel with just an iPad – no laptop – so I’m testing out the iPad’s blogging capabilities. I wouldn’t want to type on the screen all the time but other than that and the somewhat limited formatting capabilities, so far so good. It seems strange to travel without books, movies, or a computer. It’s all in this tiny little slice of heaven.

#33of365 – New Swanx

Aren’t these shoes awesome?! They’re my new faves. Ben broke his piggy bank open and bought me 3 PAIRS for our 10th anniversary. It may seem obsessive to have so many pairs, but think about it…if you get a purple pair, what are you going to do when you wear red? So then you need a red pair. But then what about when you wear green? And so on. If you’d like a pair of your very own, go to www.theswanx.com and make sure you put my name in the referral box so I eventually earn a free pair.

#32of365 – Uncle Elijah

Uncle Elijah visited this weekend – all the way from Tennessee!  Tonight we had a lovely Valentines Day dinner at Acapulcos, followed by uncle jungle-gym activities, monkey in the middle, a bedtime story, and plenty of talk about poop and “crispies”…Norah’s word for whiskers.  Have a safe trip home Lij!  And hide the valuables because we’re passing through Grassy Cove on our Summer 2011 Road Trip!

#31of365 – Will Work for Smurfberries

This is a public service announcement for those of you who let your kids play with your iPhones or iPads.  I recently received 3 iTunes invoices for a bucket of Smurfberries ($4.99), a wheelbarrow of Smurfberries ($49.99), and a wagon of Smurfberries ($99.99).  I had downloaded a free Smurf game for Norah, and for 15 minutes after entering my iTunes password, she was allowed to make “In-App” purchases without needing me to re-enter my password.  I promptly deactivated the ability to make in-app purchases, and luckily Apple refunded my money as a one-time courtesy.  It’s a good thing, because I’m not sure what kind of a job a 4-year-old could get.