3 1/2 Days – Deadlines & Progress

I haven’t started to panic yet, and having the looming deadline has really helped me make some headway.  We spent 2 weeks with a broken washer (long story) and as of tonight, the laundry is officially caught up.  It may not seem like a big deal, but if you had seen the pile you’d understand.  I’ll bet we had 20 loads between all of the bedding, towels, and clothes.  I’m so happy to have it done!

The kids picked their outfits out of the clean laundry before putting away the rest, so they’re all packed!  I haven’t finalized my own packing but I have some piles going.  The soccer balls and frisbees have arrived!  We keep coming up with a few more items that we need to find or buy, but at this point we could leave without them and be fine.  It’s not like we’re going to Antarctica.

Speaking of Antarctica, it is SO HOT in the ‘Ham this week, and several people have assumed that it will be hot in Mexico.  Makes sense since we are headed pretty far south, except that SMA is at an elevation of 6200 feet.  The high temps this week have been 72-77 degrees, and the low at night is 55 – great sleeping weather!  It’s the rainy season so we do expect to see some rain most days, but we’re just going to step into a doorway like the locals and then get on with our adventure.  Here’s a short article on 10 reasons people fall in love with SMA…I can’t wait to get out of this heat and fly away!  At that point we can live without whatever we forgot, or Ben can bring it in 2 weeks.

The other big task that I’ve made progress on is my email inbox.  Two weeks ago I had over 400 emails sitting there.  And none of them were junk mail – they all needed to be answered.  I’ve been working really hard on them, and last week I got down to just over 200.  I set a goal to cut it by 40 emails per day (net – they’re still coming in), and I’ve actually been able to do it.  I’m now officially under 100!!!  WOOHOO!!!  Since each email represents some time to research and respond, I’m amazed that I’ve finally been able to slay the beast.  Now if I can just keep it that way!

I love infographics, and I found the one below about email that I think is pretty interesting.  I don’t know how any of us are getting anything done other than answering email.  I couldn’t find a good one on dirty laundry, but I did find one on keeping/tossing dirty underwear that I had to post for a friend of mine who may need this information (you know who you are, Kale-Boy).  Do not click this link if you’re poop-averse.

77 hours until take-off!


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