I don’t know what I expected motherhood to be like, but I am positive that my current reality isn’t what I had in mind. With regard to “the big stuff,” I’ve got everything to be thankful for. The kids are healthy and happy. They are kind and compassionate, smart, and fun to be around. They are past the stage of eating bugs off the ground and bonking their heads on the coffee table, and for that I’m grateful.
They started asking me about a week ago what I wanted for Mothers Day. I did pick out 3 pieces of jewelry so that each kid would have something to give me (I’m so thoughtful), but what I really want for Mothers Day has more to do with “the small stuff.” I know we’re not supposed to sweat the small stuff, but the small stuff is what’s making me insane.
My Mothers Day Wish List:
- I would like to spend all of my bathroom time without anyone trying to speak to me through the door, screaming my name from elsewhere in the house, or texting me.
- I would like the giant laundry mountain in the basement to disappear, even if it reappears as a clean-laundry mountain on the couch.
- I would like the orange silly putty removed from under the back seat of my car, along with all of the other disgusting detritus.
I would like everyone to do their daily chores, clean up their bedrooms, and pick up the random socks and art-in-progress they’ve left all over the house, without being asked 25 times.
- I would like all family members to take a day off from bickering and intentionally trying to annoy each other (this may require sequestering themselves).
- I would like all kitchen cabinet doors and drawers to be left in the closed position when not in use (I can see from my chair that Norah just left the pantry door open).
- I would like someone else to procure the dog’s stool sample that I need to drop off at the vet tomorrow.
- I would like to take a nap on the couch without waking up to whining, a video game battle, or the sounds of rejoicing due to stool-sample success.
- I would like each child to write me a note about how much they love me, so I can pull those notes out and read them each time I’m counting to 10 to avoid physical violence.
- I would like someone to cook me a nice dinner and serve it to me with a glass (or bottle) of wine on the couch while I watch a Househunters International marathon.
Is that so much to ask?
Just in time for Mothers Day, we had a photo shoot with our favorite first grade teacher / soon-to-be full-time photographer – Nicole Schwalm. We decided to meet at the school playground, since the kids have so many happy memories of falling off the monkey bars and getting wood chips in their shoes there. I’m not always the best at follow-through, but I have had the kids’ photos taken at least once a year. 2015 – check!
One comment
Lori – you an amazing person – friend, mom, wife, etc. I am finally catching up on your blog & just want to say I will miss you next year but so excited for this gift you are creating for you & your family!