Siesta Key, Florida

We spent a beautiful sunny day at Siesta Beach.  The sand was brilliant white – I’ve never seen sand like that before.  Aliya and I took a walk down the beach and saw a skate or stingray jump right out of the water – very cool.

Norah Cartwheel

Aliya Cartwheel

Adlani’s attempt at a cartwheel…

Adlani Cartwheel

Aliya is 12.  Yes, 12.

Aliya Backbend

Adlani in the Waves

Beach Babe

Ben was Here

Duck Lips

In the Water



Not only is she wearing underwear on her head, she’s twerking.  Oy.

Norah Twerking with Underwear on Her Head

I know what you’re thinking…there are no photos of me.  I think there may be some on Ben and Aliya’s phones, but here’s one that proves I was actually there…

My Feet in the Sand

The Magic Kingdom

Grammy and Poppy gave us tickets to the Magic Kingdom for Christmas!  Norah mentioned several times that it was her FIRST trip to Disney…like we had previously deprived her of an experience that was owed to her.  We went when Aliya was a baby – about 2 months old, and again when Adlani was a baby (those trips were obviously for Ben and I), so at least we failed all 3 of them because I’m sure none of them remember their previous experiences at Disney.  I neglected to tell them that I did not go to any of the Disney parks until I was 19, which was also my first time on a plane!  Or that my first time out of the country (except Canada) was at age 28.   

Thanks Grammy and Poppy!

Disney - Grammy and Poppy

 Disney - Speedway

It looks like Norah was driving, Ben was backseat driving, and Adlani wasn’t enjoying the Magic Carpet ride.

Disney - Magic Carpet

Disney - Norah on Carousel

Adlani was seriously puzzled when he couldn’t pull the sword out.  I told him he obviously wasn’t pure of heart.  I’m waiting for him to confess to some egregious sin now that the secret is out.

Disney - Adlani Sword

The official $20 photo from Splash Mountain is below, but check out this one from the very top of the drop.  I’m fearful of Norah’s lack of fear…

Disney - Splash Mountain

Splash Mountain

Disney - Carousel

Aliya likes to experiment with photography, and she took this photo of the carousel horses at night.

Disney - Horses

Adlani got tired and went home with Grammy and Poppy, while we partied on…

Disney - Castle 

Disney - Main Street

It was a great (and exhausting) day!

Christmas Morning

We arrived in Sarasota the night before Christmas Eve, after a LOOOOONNNNGGGG drive.  For the most part, the kids have been really good travelers on this trip.  We’ve had our moments, but I haven’t left anyone on the side of the road yet.

Christmas - Tree

Christmas - Starting

The kids really loved choosing gifts for each of us and each other.

Christmas - Grammy

Norah bought Poppy a bird feeder and bird seed, and wrote him a card that said, “Please don’t shoot the precious birds,” because Poppy is a hunter.

Christmas - Poppy

Adlani developed a sudden interest in the Megazord toys, which could only be found on eBay.  This is the first one, which I had to buy used since it was discontinued before he was born.

Christmas - Adlani Megazord

Christmas - Norah

Woohoo!  A book!

Christmas - Aliya Book

Norah has been wishing for this – hair chalk.

Christmas - Norah Hair Chalk

Christmas - Aliya Clothes

The second Megazord – this one shipped from Hong Kong.

Christmas - Adlani Megazord 2

Christmas - Ben

Christmas - Norah Socks

Grammy and Poppy bought all of us tickets to Disney’s Magic Kingdom!!!

Christmas - Disney

Norah’s art set, with how-to-draw books and sketch pads.

Christmas - Norah Art Set

An erector set with 2 motors!

Christmas - Adlani Erector Set

New boots, which she promptly traded for Uggs.

Christmas - Aliya Boots

Reenacting an old photo of the trash baby.

Christmas - Baby in a Trash Bag

I splurged on a family gift – a Singtrix karaoke system, which is TOTALLY AWESOME.  You can use your own music, the Singtrix app, or another karaoke app.  It has hundreds of different effects to change your voice, add harmonies, make you sound like you’re singing with a choir, or like you’re a robot, or have inhaled helium.  It also corrects your pitch.  Videos to follow.

Down on the (Funny) Farm

Adlani loves Lennox, and just about every other animal he comes across.

Adlani and Lennox

Walking in the road…a very exciting activity for suburbians.

Walking to the Barn

The horses were curious at first, but took off when they figured out we had nothing for them.

Adlani and Horses

Horses 2

Horses 1

Adlani and Horse

Quite a few calves even though spring is months away.


This is Huck…a gentle giant.


Here horsey horsey horsey.

Feeding the Horse

Muddy Horse Pen

Adlani made friends with every barn cat while I was checking his shot records for a Tetanus booster.

Barn - Adlani and Cat

Still Life – Barn Cat.

Barn - Cat

Up on top of the ceiling.

Barn - Cats

These baby goats lost their mom, and were trying to find food wherever they could.

Barn - Aliya Goat

Barn - Norah Goat

Barn - Baby Goats

New to the farm…sheep!

Barn - Sheep

Barn - One Sheep

Aliya needed some hay for a school project, so I had them pose for a photo.

Hay - Photo Op

And then they decided to climb to the top.

Hay - Climbing

This doesn’t seem like a great idea to me.

Hay - Aliya on Top

Auntie Kristin is going to kill Elijah when she sees these photos.

Hay - Norah on Top

They didn’t know how to start the 4-Wheeler, so they decided to push it.

4 Wheeler - Pushing

4 Wheeler - Pushing Adlani

Time to put it back.

4 Wheeler

Aliya’s favorite Tennessee activity – driving.

Utility Vehicle

Walking home, tired out from all the fun.


Norah and Huck

Aliya and Elijah

After less than 36 hours in Tennessee, we continued south toward Sarasota, Florida.

Coyote Canyon Camping

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about our half-day horseback riding trip with Coyote Canyon Adventures.  We had a great time and the kids were dying to go back and take Ben this time, but he wasn’t too keen on the idea and to be honest I was starting to wonder if we were pushing our luck, having survived one trip already.  I like horses but I don’t have a lot of experience riding, and although Rodrigo told us that most of their 8,000+  riders have been inexperienced and only 35 (now 36) have fallen off, the trails into and out of the canyon are definitely not “beginner” trails.

The kids finally won me over and I agreed to an overnight horseback riding / camping trip and scheduled a date with Rodrigo.  He called me the night before to say that the weather may not cooperate and that he’d call me at 8 a.m. to let me know if he was going to pick us up at 9.  At that point I was thinking that the threatening weather might be “a sign”, and Ben was grumbling about flash floods and landslides.  It had poured in el Centro that day and the streets turned into rivers, but by the next morning it looked clear and beautiful.  Rodrigo called to say that we had a date, and we grabbed our bags and headed to Starbucks.

When we arrived in el Jardin we met another family – a mom, grandma, and 2 little girls from Texas, who were there for the full-day ride but not the overnight.  In Rodrigo’s van we met another family – a mom, dad, and 11YO son from Toronto who were going camping with us.  Rodrigo also had his daughters – Cristiana (11) and Monique (13), who would be helping the cowboys for the overnight portion, as Rodrigo had to leave with the full-day family and then head out to a meeting the next day.

We drove out to the ranch and the kids milked cows and chased sheep around, then we got a refresher from Rodrigo, got our horse assignments, and off we went.  There were a lot of riders and I was way in the back, but there were so many cowboys plus Rodrigo and his daughters that I just let them worry about the kids and focused on not becoming #36.  The trail down into the canyon was a bit less intimidating than last time because I knew what to expect, but then we continued riding along the river and out onto the road.  I’m still not completely confident that my horse will listen to me and not take off down the road at a gallop, but he was fine.  Crossing the busy road was a little scary but the cars couldn’t possibly miss seeing us – there were at least 20 horses.

We rode down to a little store and bought snacks, then back down the road and into the canyon.  When there was an opportunity to gallop, all of the kids moved into the galloping group (I did not), and took off.  Then the boy in front of Adlani lost his hat, Adlani’s horse jumped over it, and Adlani flew off and scraped his back and hit the back of his head.  Rodrigo was right there to pick him up, and we continued along the river to a swimming hole.  We had brought bathing suits but of course the kids all jumped in wearing half of the clothes we had with us.  They had a great time jumping off the rocks and then we walked back down the river to the campsite.

The campsite was in a beautiful spot and after a snack we got our tents set up just in time for a little rain.  I laid in my tent alone and tried to take a quick nap while the kids yelled and ran around (they were already soaked, so the rain had no effect on them).  The cowboys made dinner – chicken wings, beef, onions and cactus (like peppers), and quesadillas.  Then we sat around the campfire and vegetated until the kids got bored and we played Heads-Up with my phone which was a lot of fun.  I have no idea when we went to bed – I don’t have a very good sense of time here, especially in the canyon.  Aliya and I were in one tent, and Ben, Adlani, and Norah were in the other.  It wasn’t too cold, so we were pretty comfortable, although the ground was a little hard.  During the night I heard hooves going by my tent and someone eating grass…I found out later that one of the horses got loose but the cowboys took care of it.

In the morning, the cowboys cooked breakfast – scrambled eggs, hotdogs, and quesadillas.  It was nice to be camping and have someone else do the cooking and clean-up, as well as hauling all of the stuff – that was the donkeys’ job.  The kids went swimming again, we packed up our stuff, and started back up the canyon a little after noon.  We took a different trail this time and a few parts were very steep and a little scary.  At the top Monique wanted to pose us for a photo op on the edge of the canyon and I was having no part of it.  I know the horses won’t go over the edge, but it’s a LONG way down.  From there, the ride back to the ranch was uneventful, and we had some time to relax before the van came (driven by our new friend Andres from the ceramics class) to take us home.

The land is absolutely gorgeous, the horses are well-trained and healthy, the cowboys are very competent, and Rodrigo and his family do a great job of keeping everyone safe and happy.  Even Ben admits it was a great experience, although we were a little sore and a lot tired afterward.  But we’ve recovered and I know the kids will be talking about it for a long time.

There aren’t many photos of us actually riding horses, but hopefully I’ll get some from Rodrigo.

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Cristiana after being sprayed with milk by Javier:

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New babies:

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Ben had nothing to do with procuring this milk:

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I never thought I’d see Adlani having this much fun without a video game in his hand:

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Break time at la tienda:

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The swimming hole:

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Reviving the campfire:

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Hunting for tadpoles:

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A skink:

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The kids went off on a ride without the parents:

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Don Rosa (AKA Mr. Pink) demonstrated his lasso abilities…he told us that he once lassoed a coyote!

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Ben needs some lessons:

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Ben with Javier’s daughter Fernanda:

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Cristiana driving us back to the highway:

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