Norah LOVES to color, draw, and write. And she’s extremely productive. She creates page after page of drawings which she then presents to me as gifts. I am forbidden to recycle any of them, so they turn into gigantic piles that add to the mess. One of the unforeseen benefits of the iPad is that Norah can create drawings with really cool apps where she can draw with glitter, neon, change the background color, and she can save them electronically. She doesn’t like this photo because of her “crazy hair” and “tired eyes,” but she was proud of her drawing of the two of us.
Category Archives for Project 365
#2of365 – Bye Bye Magnum
I got a surprise this week when my boss called me to say that there was a car available and since I had the oldest company car in our office, I could trade it in for the new(er) one. WOOHOO! The Magnum has served me well but 3 kids can really trash a car in 5 years. Plus I hit a couple of things with it – our vice president’s car and a pole in our parking lot. Oops.
I took it to the car wash for a cleaning on the way, and the cleaners put the driver’s seat so far forward that I couldn’t make it go back. I thought it would have to be towed, but finally they got it back far enough for me to drive it.
I can drive around incognito now…maybe I’ll just keep the new car make, model, and color a secret for a while.
Project 365 – #1of365 – Icy Branch
I can’t believe I used to find the time and inclination to post most weekdays on this blog. I guess I’m a little overwhelmed at the moment. My work blog is getting really popular so I’ve been devoting quite a bit of time to it. The company’s still not sure what to do with it, or whether blogging is a worthwhile activity for a corporation, but they’ll see the light eventually. I’m getting 4,000-5,000 visits per month, with an average of 4 minutes spent per visit. People in the hardware industry are using it as a resource, and I’ve also gotten emails from architects and code officials who like it.
Today I posted my 365th post on my work blog, which seemed like a milestone. You know, 365 days in a year and all that. So, call me crazy, but I decided to start a Project 365 to celebrate. Project 365 is where you post a photo each day for a year, which signifies what you were doing, thinking, seeing, or feeling that day. I thought that I could use the project to help the readers get to know me better, get them coming back more often, and give me something fun to do besides write about doors.
Since it’s been tough for me to find time to focus on this blog, I’m going to do a Project 365 here too. Sometimes it will be the same photo from my work blog, and sometimes it will be different. You probably won’t want to see photos of door closers, and I don’t really want the readers of my other blog to see photos of Scorpion Bowls. I’m also hoping to practice and improve my photography skills in the process. I work better with a goal and a deadline.
So here’s today’s photo:
We got 20 inches of snow this week, and I’m smack-dab in the middle of an unplanned 6-day school vacation, created by 2 snow days followed by a teachers’ professional development day, the weekend, and MLK day. I feel a little guilty saying this, but I’ve noticed that the kids have suddenly become less dependent upon me for their entertainment. It shouldn’t make me happy that they’ve turned to electronic devices to keep them busy, but I can’t help but feel a little relieved. I do have to work, and it’s much easier to do that when the kids aren’t expecting me to rock their world every moment.