Election Day

In case you’re sick of watching news coverage of the election results, you can take a break and hear what the kids have to say about the presidential race.  They all have interesting ideas about who to nominate for president.  They’ve come a long way – just yesterday Adlani told me he was voting for Moroccobama.  And for the record, they get all the bad words and radical political views from their father.  Sorry it’s a little choppy…I had to cut out some of the bickering.

Il Florilegio Circus

I don’t have a lot of photos from the circus because there was a scary-looking circus employee going around warning people who took photos or videos, but here are a few, along with a Youtube video that gives a good overview.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKPDEegddeY?rel=0&w=640&h=360]

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday morning we had breakfast with Santa at one of my customers’ companies in South Boston.  This is an annual event and we have been attending for 8 years.  It’s one of the highlights of the holiday season for the kids.  Santa and his wife told me a cute story about something that happened at the breakfast with Santa when Adlani was around 2.  Santa hands out gifts to each child, which the parents assist with.  The budget for the gifts is $10 each, to try to keep it equitable.  So Adlani received a really cool top from Santa that year, and he just loved it.  Then the little boy next to him opened a scale-model Hess truck, with a helicopter on the top.  Adlani looked at the truck and looked back at his top a few times, then took his top back up to Santa, handed it over and said, “Ruck!  Ruck!”  I had no clue about what was going on and neither did Santa, but Mrs. Claus did and she tells the story every year. 

The paper in Santa’s hand is a page that Norah colored for him.


Here’s a photo from the year of the “ruck” (2008):

This video was taken the following year and not much has changed since then…Santa is the real deal:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gyXjU6xUro&w=420&h=315]