
Do not watch this video if you’re poop-averse!

Note:  There’s no actual poop shown, just a discussion about it.

I just love how Norah figures out the one word of this monologue that cracks me up and uses it multiple times until Ben shuts her up by threatening to withhold cotton candy at the circus.  Our parenting skills on display for all to see.



Hold Hands!

I went to my second video editing class tonight and I’m learning A LOT. I took my footage of last week’s rehearsal to class and edited a short video which included performances of two songs and some footage of the director, Susi, that cracked me up. For some reason the entire piece is having a hard time getting up to Youtube, but here’s Susi’s discussion about holding hands, which is prompted by one of the lead characters (in the green shirt) commenting that he didn’t want to hold hands.

We’re gonna hold hands all day long so get your cootie sprays out!
