Dear God, please give me the strength and patience to survive another snow day with 3 bickering kids cooped up in the house. Protect us from failure of the internet, electricity, and battery power that supply our multitude of electronic entertainment devices. Assist me in finding something to serve for lunch, since the pizza man has suspended delivery service for the duration of the storm. Protect the clients that I speak to on the phone from overhearing inappropriate words exchanged during Lego-related arguments, and guide me to hide in the closet before answering calls from those who may influence my future career opportunities. Help me to complete my work, enjoy my family, and catch up on the laundry, and ensure my husband’s safe journey home ASAP. Amen.
#7of365 – Hawkeye
This project has definitely got me thinking about what to take photos of and carrying my camera more. I have my tiny camera most of the time, but this morning when I let the dog out the sky was really blue (it always reminds me of 9-11) so I grabbed my big camera (a Canon T1i) and followed Annie out. When I walked out the door I saw a beautiful hawk sitting in a tree right next to our driveway. As soon as I got him in my sights, he flew to my neighbor’s tree and made me wish I had a bigger zoom lens. I should probably learn to use the macro lens I got this Christmas before I ask Santa for a new zoom.
#6of365 – Snuggle Time
Most nights we have 15 minutes of “Snuggle Time” with each of the kids at bedtime. We read to them, or talk, or just lay with them until they’re ready to fall asleep. I know there will come a day when they don’t want to have snuggle time any more, but for now they LOVE it, and they get REALLY upset if they lose a portion of it for bad behavior. Tonight I had a dinner meeting in Boston and when I got home, Ben had fallen asleep during Norah’s snuggle time so I got to practice my low-light photography. Then I promptly booted her out of my bed. Snuggle time is OVER!
#5of365 – Gridlock
After having the kids at home for 6 days (2 snow days, 1 teacher professional development day, the weekend, and MLK Day), I woke up this morning channeling my mother – “COME HELL OR HIGH WATER, you’re going to school today!” I haven’t thought of that phrase for years but I could hear my mother’s voice saying it. Today’s snowstorm was already in full swing when I woke up, but I think the superintendent was channeling my mother too, and we didn’t have a snow day. Instead, I waited by the phone for the preschool “early dismissal” call, and sat in gridlock in the elementary school driveway. People wonder why I work in the middle of the night. Now you know.
(PS. My mother is alive and well…I was channeling her from Florida, not from the grave.)