
We sorta thought we were out of the woods with Norah for the time being, but that’ll teach us to get comfortable.  After 3 weeks on the medication to tell her thyroid to quit over-producing, yesterday she had an allergic reaction to it.  Unfortunately it’s the only medication that’s safe for kids, so if she can’t tolerate a lower dose, we’ll have to move to Plan B.  The only other treatments on Children’s Hospital’s agenda are either ablating her thyroid with radioactive iodine or removing her thyroid surgically, so I’m looking into alternative treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic, and/or traditional medicine.  We’ve already avoided surgery for ear tubes by having Norah treated by my chiropractor, so you never know.

Click here to read the next post about Norah’s thyroid.

Click here to start at the beginning and read the first post about Norah’s thyroid.

Rainy Day Activity

When I suggested a sleepover at camp for two of Aliya’s friends, I checked the weather for Day 1 but didn’t really think about Day 2.  It’s pouring.

One of the many things I love about 8-year-olds is that they can make their own fun and I’m not held responsible for ALL of their entertainment.  I wouldn’t have thought of this one.

Hannah:  “Hey!  Maybe your mom will put this on her blog!”
Aliya:  “Yeah!  Or YouTube!”
Hannah:  “No!  The blog!”
Aliya:  “Yeah…the blog’s more popular than YouTube anyway.”


Lion Attack

I’ve been on safari in Africa twice and I have a very healthy respect for the animals.  In the Serengeti we could hear lions at night and our camp site was attacked by baboons. On the rim of Ngorongoro Crater our camp was invaded by bush pigs which even the guards wouldn’t mess with.  In South Luangwa we had hyenas in our camp that stalked me when I was coming back from the bathroom.  We had to watch out for hippos while canoeing on the Zambezi River because hippos kill more people each year than any other African animal.  Heading out for a game drive, an elephant charged out of the bushes and stood in front of us when we were in an open jeep.  After he finally took off, the guide said, “Mock charge.”  I was in the front seat next to him and I said, “How did you know it was a mock charge and not a real charge?”  He said, “You’re still in the jeep.”  Oy.

Someone just sent me this video.  I have no idea where it came from or who is going to sue me for posting it without proper credits, but I have to post it because I can’t remember the last time I saw two guys doing something this stupid.  Don’t worry…it’s G-rated (meaning – nobody got dead).  If you’re reading this and there’s no video, it means that it got deleted from Youtube so watch it while you can!


Torture Chamber

I found out last week that I won an Award of Merit from our industry organization – yes – The Door & Hardware Institute – for a building code presentation I did a while back.  I thought it was pretty cool until I realized that I would have to supply a photo of myself for the convention program, signage, and wherever else they want to plaster my face.

My two most recent head shots were 1) a selfie after a couple of Blood Orange Cosmos, or 2) taken by Ben in our front yard when I only blow-dried the front of my hair since the rest wouldn’t show anyway.  That created a problem because I hate having my picture taken, especially when a whole bunch of people will see it.

Since I really like the woman who asked for the photo, I made an appointment at Portrait Simple and bravely faced the lens.  I’m shocked to say that a few of the pictures came out ok.  As I was comparing them on the computer to decide which one to send in, Ben zoomed in on my eyes and then sincerely asked, “Isn’t there cream for that?”  Nice.

Gas Leak

While we were away this weekend, an SUV ran into the convenience store that’s right across route 30 from the entrance to our street.  We saw them boarding up the hole and dealing with the gas leak when we came home, but most of the excitement was over.

Our friends who live around the corner saw the fire engines and other emergency vehicles but the street was blocked off so they couldn’t tell exactly what was going on.  Aliya’s friend Hannah worried that Norah might have found an errant lighter and started a fire.  Norah’s reputation is firmly established throughout the neighborhood.