Los Estudiantes de la Semana!!

Adlani and Aliya BOTH got “Student of the Week” last week, which was SO exciting, especially for Adlani (and apparently for Ben, as you can tell by the group photo). We celebrated with cake and high-5’s all around.

Report cards came home the same day, and there were no surprises. Aliya got ALL 4’s (consistently demonstrates skill or behavior independently) except two 3/4’s, one 3, and 3’s in art, music, and gym.

Adlani got mostly 3’s (frequently demonstrates skill or behavior), some 2’s (progressing toward skill or behavior with teacher support), and he got mostly 4’s in English, a couple of 4’s in math, and a 4 in art. Considering that most of the evaluations are based on Spanish, which is still new to him, he seems to be right on track. Not to mention the fact that last year at this time he wouldn’t even hold a pencil and he just got a 4 in art. Amazing! Both teachers wrote really nice comments and it looks like Adlani has turned a corner.

We’ll have to figure out how to handle report card day when Adlani starts to care about them. He is almost a whole year younger than Aliya was when she was in kindergarten so it’s not fair to compare them, but it’s tough when they both bring report cards home the same day. Throw Norah into the mix and it could get even worse.

For now, all it takes is a little cake.  That usually works for me too.

Hmmm…where are those leftovers?