School Shoes

Some days things just don’t go according to plan and you have to be able to roll with the punches.  Today was one of those days.  I had the day all planned out but in the end we didn’t do half the things we were supposed to do.  One thing I DID manage to accomplish was the manicure and pedicure that the Tooth Fairy has owed Aliya since she had 6 teeth pulled out.  I promised her that she’d have lovely hands and feet for the first day of school and gall dang it – I was determined to deliver.

The problem arose when Aliya realized that she would have to change the shoes she had planned to wear with her first-day outfit, so her pedicure would show.  The shoe-change required 1) a change from pants to a skirt, and 2) shoes which showed her toes but were not flip-flops since those aren’t allowed in school.

I have asked Aliya at least 5 times if she needs any back-to-school clothes, shoes, or supplies.  After the mani/pedi, when the bus was due to arrive in 15 hours and 33 minutes, she tells me that she needs sandals.  Where the hell was I supposed to find kid-sized non-flip-flop sandals on the day before school starts?!?!

Before I continue, I’d like to draw your attention to the photo of me on the right, and particularly to my shoes.  In this photo I was 10 years old, and this was a big day – my little brother’s christening.  I know for sure that was a new dress, and I’m guessing I was wearing new shoes.  Look how fancy they are – they added at least an inch to my height.  I was STYLIN! I had a purse, a bracelet, and had obviously spent HOURS working on my Kristy McNichol hair-do (ok…I didn’t actually achieve it, but I tried).  And those were the shoes I chose to accompany this *look*.

In contrast, THESE are the shoes Aliya chose for her first day of third grade.  I seriously think she would have tried harder to convince me if they were available in her size.  I can just imagine the look on Ben’s face, not to mention Nurse Mary’s.  I guarantee this would lead to a new school policy – “no flip-flops OR STILLETTOS!

On the bright side, Aliya somehow went from a youth size 2 to a women’s size 5 over the summer.  We found her a pair of questionable flip-flop/sandals for $7 at Marshalls, along with various clearance-rack shoes to fit every outfit and weather condition at DSW.  It really does expand the options…maybe a little too far.

Here’s the end result.  All is right in Aliya’s world.

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