As many of you know, I make an annual photo book using the online service, Shutterfly. The book is usually around 100 pages, and I buy copies for the grandparents so it’s a substantial investment, but I think it’s worth it. The kids love to look at the books and it’s fun to look back over the years. If I didn’t buy the books, the photos would likely stay on my hard drive until I worked up the energy to make a photo video, which hasn’t happened in a while.
Anyway, I really like Shutterfly’s system, and I’ve been happy with the quality of their photo books. But just before Christmas the kids were looking at last year’s book and I noticed that some of the pages were falling out. The kids can be pretty hard on stuff, so occasionally a page gets ripped, but there were several pages that were completely separated from the book.
I emailed Shutterfly, and they immediately credited my account for the full price of a replacement book. This book was a whole year old, and it was pretty pricey – around $150!! All I had to do was go into my saved projects on their site, reorder the book, and they shipped it. I didn’t have to return the other book, and they even paid for the shipping on the replacement. I’m really impressed, and I would highly recommend Shutterfly.
And since I’ve been lagging behind on the blog and have missed some of this year’s photo-ops, here’s our 2010 photo book for your viewing pleasure: