Wake Up Call

About a month ago, Ben’s dentist told him that he was concerned about some bone loss in his jaw which required 3 teeth to be pulled.  He recommended that Ben visit his doctor to look into the possibility that he has diabetes.  He wasn’t exhibiting any other signs but his mom has diabetes, so he made an appointment with the doctor and borrowed a blood sugar monitor from his mom.  We were shocked to find that his blood sugar was all over the place – one time as high as 599 (that’s bad).  The doctor confirmed that he does have it, and prescribed medication.  He said Ben was a heart attack waiting to happen.  Yikes!

So we’re suddenly feeling our mortality…it had to happen eventually.  But Ben’s dedication to managing his blood sugar has been admirable.  He’s been doing a lot of reading, has completely changed his diet, and is walking daily.  He monitors his blood sugar and keeps track of it on a spreadsheet.  The good news is that the doctor ran all kinds of tests and it looks like he has normal function in all of his organs that could have been damaged by long-term uncontrolled diabetes.  

The other good news is that Ben’s new healthy habits will have an effect on the whole family and could change the way the kids eat and exercise.  And Annie may finally learn to walk on a leash.

I Need a Vacation from Vacation

I know…I was on vacation last week.  But this week is school vacation and I think the euphoria I felt last week has made this week seem even more, well, UNBEARABLE!!!

Actually, having Grandma Ginny here to entertain the kids has been a HUGE help because I’m supposed to be getting some work done this week.  The kids have been sleeping late, watching too much TV, eating pizza daily, and the highlight of the week – going to swimming lessons every afternoon.

We’ve had a couple of play dates but that’s about it.  Their friends are going to come back to school with stories about the Kids’ Club at their resort, the trip to Disneyworld their parents surprised them with, or the fabulous Staycation organized by their creative (and obviously heavily medicated) Mom.  Oh well.

I think Norah was a little disappointed when she woke up Tuesday morning and excitedly asked, “Is today a school day?!”  I told her she wouldn’t be going to school all week because of school vacation.  She jumped out of bed and yelled, “WE’RE GOING ON VACATION?!?!?!”  Um, no…but would you like to see the photos from MY vacation??

Hysteria…The Key to My Sanity

Motherhood is an ongoing learning experience, and one thing I’ve learned in the last year or so is that the only way I can survive is to see the hilarity in the moments that would otherwise make me lose it.  That’s why certain parenting tools are so successful for me, like the BMD (Behavior Modification Device, aka spray bottle), the Vodka Mist (aka Rescue Remedy), and the newest weapon in my arsenal…the fuzzy duster that I use to poke whichever bear is up on their bunk bed screeching and trying to stay out of my reach.  All of my favorite tools crack me up, and therefore, I don’t kill anyone.

Bedtime was a little trying tonight.  Adlani was mad at Aliya for calling him a crybaby, so he put her toothbrush in the drain hole of the sink.  If it was Helga’s drain hole it would have been fine, but my drain hole has all kinds of black slimy stuff in it.  So I pretended to put Adlani’s toothbrush in the drain hole and he freaked.  Then he kept insisting that he wanted to sleep with Ben (aka watch movies all night) since it’s not a school night.  When I said “no,” he started crying at top volume and wouldn’t stop.

Me:  “Well, I wanna sleep with Taye Diggs, but that ain’t happenin either.  So get into bed.”

He just kept going on and on and everyone else was trying to get to sleep, so I got out the fuzzy duster and started poking him in all the ticklish spots.  He got pissed and started doing karate kicks, which cracked me up because of the sound effects (hi-YAH!).  So I kept giggling and poking, and he kept crying, kicking, and making Miss Piggy noises.  The more I giggled and poked, the madder he got.  Then he told me that he likes Daddy better, I’m not allowed in his room any more, he’s not going to snuggle with me any more, etc., etc.  Then the big finish…”SO GET OUT OF HERE YOU HOPELESS FROOT LOOP!”

I lost it.  I was laughing SO HARD I think I peed a little.  That made him even madder so he yelled, “BEAT IT, YOU HOPELESS FLY!!!!!”  That did it.  I COULD NOT stop laughing, and it was the laugh that you can barely hear due to lack of oxygen…kinda like that cartoon dog except on uppers.  I dissolved into completely hysteria, and we all lived to see another day.


I’ve got lots of ideas.  I haven’t found the one that’s going to make me rich yet, but I think about it a lot.  I really admire people who turn a great idea into a business opportunity, and we met a young businessman in Costa Rica who definitely earned my admiration.

As we were driving from Arenal to Monteverde on the winding dirt roads, we drove through a little town and our attention was occupied by the people representing the country’s 4 political parties outside of the polling location.  A nicely-dressed guy walked out into the road when he saw us approaching, and signalled that we were going the wrong way and told us to turn around.  We did, and as we got back to where he was standing in the road, he approached our window and handed Sherry a hand-drawn map photocopied onto an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet.

The map had landmarks like “green house” and “bus stop” on it, and the guy gave us directions in perfect English as he pointed to the map.  There were a lot of lefts and rights, all noted on the map but impossible to remember.  He then pointed out his name and phone number printed in the lower left corner of the map, in case anything happened while we were on the road. 

I knew where this was heading…nothing’s free these days, right?  But I was so amazed by his ingenuity, that when he said that the map was for sale, showed us his business license, and said he was a college student, I would have paid him double.  I think we paid around $4 for the map but it was actually helpful because there are absolutely no road signs in Costa Rica and you can easily drive up a road that goes nowhere.

Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to make my first million.  I don’t think selling photocopied maps in the ‘Ham will get me there.

Home Sweet Home?

We had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to catch our flight from San Jose to Atlanta, but we made it home by 5:50 p.m. with no weather problems or mechanical difficulties.  Ben and Norah picked us up at the airport, and Adlani and Aliya were anxiously waiting for us at home with Nikki.  Sherry decided to drive home to VT that night – she was still not feeling great so I’m sure she wanted to spend the night in her own bed.

I’m having a little trouble reacclimating.  I spent a whole week without yelling at anyone, repeating myself, or being late.  I never once told Sherry to brush her teeth, and now I’m saying it 60 times per day.  And it makes me even more furious than it did before I left.   

Work is overwhelming but I’m having a hard time getting worked up about it.  I have 148 emails that need to be handled, along with 57 items on my to-do-immediately list.  There are at least100 items on my other to-do list but that list has basically become a list of stuff I need to do before I die because I never get a chance to look at it with all of the stuff that needs to be done immediately.

I could have spent this weekend working through a few items on my list or at least washing the laundry from my trip, but I haven’t even unpacked.  Yesterday I organized a bunch of my vacation photos into a book of colors for Norah’s preschool class.  Today I set up my new website for fire door inspection, www.firedoorguide.com.  I also went to Zumba both days, so I guess that’s something.

While I was away I got an email from work with the URGENT symbol and lots of exclamation points.  I didn’t have the needed document with me and didn’t have a way to procure it until I got home.  I responded to my co-manager that I was feeling no sense of urgency about the emergency and he emailed back, “Oh no! What have they done to you? You get home right this instant…no more fun for you.”

I need to win the lottery so I can fulfill my dream of shedding all of my stuff and my tasks, packing everyone up and riding off into the sunset.  Who cares if they don’t brush their teeth?  They’re eventually going to fall out anyway, right?

I didn’t realize what a great photo I got of this sloth until I looked at the photos on my computer yesterday.  Awesome!

