
That won’t come as a surprise to many of you. I had a really busy day today…kids to school, meeting at the office, then a couple of hours to clean up the day’s email before I went to the chiropractor. I was in REALLY bad shape…he pretty much gave me a complete overhaul.
Then I headed to the Natick Mall to buy Norah’s birthday present at the American Girl store. The parking there is always terrible, but today I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! In addition to the 8 empty h/c spots, there were 11 “valet parking” spots blocked with cones…not a single spot was taken. There were also 8 empty spots for curbside dining, and 10 parking spots for low-emissions vehicles! In one row they were completely empty, and in the other they were filled with non-green vehicles, unless Ford makes a hybrid F150 pickup.
After driving around for 15 minutes I finally found a spot about 3 miles away and dragged my hunch-back to the door of the American Girl store, where I was met by 2 men who were preventing anyone from entering unless you were registered for “the event.” I know in the grand scheme of things this isn’t a big deal, but I almost cried. I shuffled back to the car and pulled up the American Girl website on my Blackberry to see if I could crash the party. It showed the “special hours” for today as closing at 7 p.m. for “the event.” It was only 6:25!!! I could have been in and out of there in 10 minutes! I may have to file a formal complaint. If the posted hours state that they’re closing at 7, shouldn’t that mean that at 6:25 they’re still open?
I drove from there to the soccer field to wait for Aliya to finish with her clinic so Ben could go home and eat (he’s still fasting for Ramadan). As soon as I arrived, 4 fighter jets started circling above us. They made 6 or 7 big circles and a few times they were pretty low…you could see the orange glow around the engines. At one time I would have thought that was really cool, but seeing them circling like that brought me right back to the days following 9/11/01, when they were constantly circling overhead.
Aliya and I stopped and picked up dinner for ourselves at Big Fresh, and walked into the house at 8. The other kids were still up so I took them up to bed. That’s when I realized that I forgot to stop and get the ingredients I needed for Norah’s birthday cupcakes for school. As I was rocking Norah I remembered that I always make special t-shirts for the kids on their birthdays (“Yahoo! I’m TWO!), and I had no idea where the puffy fabric paint was. I was all ready to run out to AC Moore, when Aliya pointed out that Ben had left the house headed for who-knows-where so unless I wanted to take 3 kids to AC Moore at 8:30, I had to come up with Plan B.
When Ben came back at 8:45, I went to Stop & Shop to get the cupcake stuff except that I couldn’t find the self-rising flour that the recipe called for. So I bought cake flour and then came home and tried to find a recipe that I had all of the ingredients for. I didn’t want to use a mix because one of the kids in the class has a food allergy. What’s crazy is that never once while I was at Stop & Shop did I think of swinging by the bakery department and putting myself out of my misery.
I got the cupcakes in the oven, and started thinking about how I would improvise the celebratory t-shirt. Here’s where the insanity starts. I actually thought, “HEY!! I have that BeDazzler that I got at the What’s-In-Jenny’s-Nightstand Yankee Swap!” And yes, I have BeDazzled a purple t-shirt with a big number 3 and let me tell you…it’s not as easy as it looks on TV.
And now I have to go to bed so I can wake up early and put the butterfly bodies (half gummy worms) and wings (mini pretzels) on top of the cupcakes, deliver them to school, get Adlani to the bus, take Aliya to have her braces put on, take her to school, and go do a fire door inspection on a church that is now home to a Chinese restaurant. I also need to squeeze in a stop at the American Girl store. I’m tired already.
It’s that time of year again…when standard equipment for soccer games includes not only a ball and water bottle, but umbrellas, raincoats, bug spray…the list goes on and on. It rained all night on Friday, and continued Saturday morning. Adlani’s game was cancelled but the U8 (under-8) girls are obviously made of tougher stuff because their game was held despite the downpour. I stayed home (and dry) with Adlani, but Ben and Norah went to cheer Aliya on, and the report was that she kicked butt.
But it’s much more common to find him A) with his shirt over his head, B) using his shirt like Laura Ingalls used her apron, or C) distorting a body part:
As you all probably know by now, I have another blog that I started last February for work. My idea for that blog was to teach my customers (hardware suppliers) and clients (architects) about hardware in a fun and painless way. I know it’s not the most exciting topic – door hardware – but for people in the hardware industry who DO find it interesting, there isn’t currently another blog like it.
As I had hoped, the local customers we have introduced the site to have had really good things to say about it, and there are quite a few loyal readers who visit the site daily or weekly. They also use it to find answers to their hardware-related code questions, so I’m actually spending less time answering emails and phone calls about code questions.
In addition to the readers who access the site directly, there are people who find it by searching “door closer adjustment”, “where are panic devices required”, “i hate hardware”, or some other related topic via a search engine. To date, people from almost 60 countries have visited the site. A reader from Israel recently suggested that I do an industry profile on a colleague of his…”a big fan of the website”…in Saudi Arabia. I find this fascinating, really.
What amazed me most was how many “normal people” (ie. not “hardware people”) read the hardware blog. Why would you want to read about hardware? Don’t you have anything you’d rather be doing?? The blog now has a Facebook Fan Page, and through the miracle of social networking, my aunt found the blog and became a fan. I don’t know my aunt well…we’ve probably seen each other less than 10 times in the last 30 years, so she is not biased because we’re related. She left a comment on the hardware blog that was so touching to me, because it very eloquently states that I’m meeting my goal. It made me a little misty…
When we first looked at our house I really liked the kitchen, probably because it was brand new. However, the longer I’ve had to live with the tile countertops, the more I’ve hated them. The grout joints between the tiles are impossible to clean and I don’t even want to know what’s lurking in there. Plus they look like hell.
A few weeks ago I was browsing around in Home Depot enjoying the solitary shopping time, and I noticed that they were having a promotion. If you purchased a countertop that was more than 25 square feet, you got a free under-mount sink (usually about $300) and a free edge upgrade (usually $15-$25 / linear foot). Then, like a sign from above, I got a coupon for 10% off and no interest for a year.
Today was the last day for the 10% off, so I made an appointment and took my little drawing in to my new friend George. He told me that I couldn’t use my coupon because it wasn’t good on installed products. I thought that was strange because while I was waiting for him I noticed a similar card stuck right to the Silestone display.
We went through the whole estimate process, and while he was printing it out, I went to check out the card on the display. It said 10% off on laminate and installed countertops. Our new countertop isn’t laminate, but it is installed, so I asked him if it would apply. Low and behold, it DID apply, so I got another 10% off. WOOHOO!!!
The best part is that the old countertop doesn’t have to be removed for the template to be made, so we don’t have to live without countertops for weeks like we would have if this was done a few years ago. Within about a month we should have a nice shiny new countertop, sink, and faucet. The color, Absolute Green, is similar to the tile we have now, but it will be such an improvement. We are also adding a bar-counter in the pass-thru window so the kids can sit at the counter in the family room and eat, rather than at the pub table we have there now.
The low point of the Home Depot experience was when I asked the guy standing around in Plumbing to help me with some faucet questions. His answer…”It’s YOUR kitchen. What do you want me to tell you?” What a dickhead! When I asked my questions he was SO RUDE. Finally I just dismissed him and sorted through the zillion options myself. I HATE RUDE PEOPLE!!
The photo is not our kitchen, but it shows the color. I can’t wait!