R.T. ’09: Sarasota FL, Day 1

We had breakfast this morning at Yoder’s, an Amish restaurant in Sarasota. It may have been the best breakfast I have ever had. Then we headed to the Mote Aquarium, where I was pleasantly surprised to learn that our Roger Williams Park Zoo membership also gave us free admission – the 3rd place on this trip that we’ve gotten into with that membership! The aquarium was really nice, and Grammy & Poppi met us there and toured around with us. There were rescued dolphins, manatees, and sea turtles, plus sharks, rays, a giant squid (dead), and lots of other exhibits. The volunteers were extremely knowledgeable and were excited to talk to anyone who passed within shouting distance of their post.

After the aquarium we stopped at the beach for a few minutes, and had milkshakes to tide us over until dinner. Norah slept through that part of the adventure, and woke up in time to hit the pool at the condo. The rest of us had a short nap and then we headed to Grammy & Poppi’s for dinner and birthday cake (mine and Adlani’s). Adlani has been carrying around his new Bakugan case since he opened it, and is itching to play with his new golf clubs outside tomorrow.



R.T. ’09: Albany GA to Bradenton FL

We left our hotel at about 9 a.m. and stopped at the Parks at Chehaw, which is an 800-acre property with a zoo, a giant play area, a BMX track, and various other outdoor spaces. Our Roger Williams Park Zoo membership got us in for free again – that was a great investment.

The zoo was a little eerie, because it was almost completely empty of visitors. We felt a little like the Griswolds showing up at the defunct Wallyworld. There was one car in the gigantic parking lot and I’m pretty sure it belonged to the girl who worked in the gift shop, who was also the ticket-checker. It was actually a nice zoo, with lots of space for all of the animals, and well-maintained pathways and exhibits. But seriously, we only saw 4 other families in our entire time at the zoo. I started to wonder if there was an escaped gorilla keeping visitors away, with only the ignorant tourists showing up.

There was a huge play area so after we were done with the zoo we gave the kids a half hour to finish wearing themselves out. When we arrived, we were the only ones there, and one other family eventually showed up. Very strange. There was a cool picnic shelter and I couldn’t figure out what the funny animal noise was until I investigated further and realized that the noise was coming from a giant pack of hungry rabid BATS. Well, they probably weren’t rabid but I HATE BATS!!! They may be the creature I hate most. They are SO GROSS!!! I know they eat mosquitos and all that but YUCK! Speaking of eating things…I read an interesting fact at the zoo. If a snake eats 10 mice in a year, it prevents 2500 mouse babies from being born. Snakes rule!!

We stopped on the way back to the highway to get some peaches fresh off the tree, and they were delicious! Then we got as far as Gainesville, Florida before we needed a time-out from driving. When I told Ben how to get to Ruby Tuesdays, Aliya said, “We’re getting out of the car to eat! Really?? We’re going inside?!” The drive-thru has become a way of life over the last week. So yes, we went inside to eat. We sat down and everything.

We made it to Bradenton around 7 and settled into the condo. It’s a really good-sized space for the 5 of us, with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an eat-in kitchen plus living room / dining area, and a small screened-in porch with a table. There are 2 pools, 2 whirlpools, a clubhouse, and tennis courts. There’s some visible wear and the furniture is ’80’s particleboard, but who cares? We got a great deal – $67 per night!! I haven’t seen any bugs or rodents, everything seems clean, and the car alarm hasn’t gone off yet. Plus the AC works and there’s a washer & dryer. What else could we ask for?

Mom & Keith brought pizza around 8, and the kids ran around like their normal crazed, just-out-of-the-car selves. Actually, they were acting kind of like escaped gorillas…maybe that’s why we were alone at the zoo this morning. Word got out that we would be there.

Tomorrow we’re headed for the aquarium and dinner at Mom & Keith’s, hopefully with a nap in between.

And an update to yesterday’s post…when I said that it was an uneventful day, I forgot to mention (or subconsciously blocked out) that when we arrived at the hotel, Adlani (who has to fiddle with everything he comes into contact with) turned on the heater in our room. By the time I smelled the burning-hair smell, the smoke alarm was going off. By the time I figured out how to make it stop, the front desk was calling to see if our room was on fire. Ugh – BOYS!!!

The Parks at Chehaw:

I use this spray bottle for very effective kid control in the car.
Ben uses it to keep himself awake.

Norah hanging out in the closet:


R.T. ’09: Grassy Cove TN to Albany GA

We made it to Albany, Georgia without incident, by way of the Donut Palace in Dayton TN, Monkey Joe’s in Marietta GA, the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, and the giant peach in Byron. We left Tennessee at about 9 a.m. local time which quickly became 10 as we crossed into the next time zone right down the road. The hunt was on for the donut place that I couldn’t remember the name or location of, so there was quite a celebration when we found it. We stopped at the same Monkey Joe’s that we went to on our last road trip, and the kids were thoroughly worn out within an hour. They slept most of the way to Albany and so did I. We arrived at the Wyndham in Albany at 6:30, the kids jumped in the pool, and then we went to Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner. Everyone is finally asleep.

Since it was such an uneventful day, I’ll take this opportunity to mention Aliya’s road rash. In a freak treadmill accident she scraped both shoulders, her chin, and her temple, so all of her vacation photos from here on out will look like she got the beating I’ve been threatening her with. As you can see from the photo, she’s not very happy about her new look.

I just added a ton of photos to yesterday’s post so scroll down to check them out.

R.T. ’09: Fun on the Farm

We’re still on the farm in Grassy Cove, Tennessee…leaving tomorrow for Albany, Georgia. In case I haven’t explained the Tennessee connection fully, my brother Elijah (32 years old today) got married last year to Kristin Kemmer. Kristin’s family has a big farm here, with tons of Black Angus cattle and Boer goats. They also have beautiful Belgian draft horses, and Anatolian Shepherds.

We really love it here, especially because Kristin’s family is so nice and the kids get to run around and visit all the animals. Today’s events included riding in the back of the pickup truck down to the barn to see the cows, goats, and barn cats, and then a little further down the road to grandmother’s house to see the (big) baby horse and the (tiny) baby goat. After naps for everyone, we drove the RV to town for barbecue, and then Kristin’s mom, dad, and Namaw came over to see us.

The kids have driven their cousin Josh and the dog Lenox crazy for our entire visit. It has been such a nice break but tomorrow it’s on the road again. We’re spending one night in Georgia on our way to Bradenton, Florida, and then we have 3 nights there to relax and visit with Grammy & Poppi. Hide the breakables and tranquilize the cats! We’re on our way!


R.T. ’09: Front Royal VA to Grassy Cove TN

Yesterday was the longest drive we’ll have on our whole trip. We left Front Royal at about 10 a.m. and headed for Roanoke and a stop at the Virginia Museum of Transportation (we had originally planned an outdoor activity but it was pouring rain again). The museum was nice, and there were hardly any people there. They had a giant O-Scale train, an incredibly detailed model of a circus (including trains), about a dozen cars, a display on buses, and quite a few train cars. It was a good spot for a pit stop and we were refreshed and ready for another 5 hours in the car. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner outside of Knoxville TN, and arrived at Elijah, Kristin, & Josh’s house at about 10:30 p.m. (9:30 local time). A looong day.

This morning the kids slept until 9 and we took it easy until lunchtime, when we headed out to a beautiful spot where the kids could play in the river. The highlight was the ride back up the steep and bumpy road…like a Tennessee roller coaster. We all took naps this afternoon, and went out to dinner. Thankfully, everyone is in bed now and I can have some peace. aaaaahhhhh…

Here’s a satellite image of where we are. It’s so beautiful here!

Take some Dramamine and crank up the Dueling Banjos:

