R.T. ’09: Willow Grove PA to Front Royal VA

Yesterday was supposed to be one of the shorter drives of our road trip, in honor of my birthday. Somehow it felt like we spent all day in the car. We had breakfast in our hotel (crowded but semi-edible) and hit the road around 9:30. We stopped at the Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown PA because we got in free with our Roger Williams membership. It was a really nice zoo actually, and the kids ran off some energy.

We drove from Norristown to the Lancaster area, with a stop in Paradise for a photo of the kids with the panic device. We stopped at the Strasburg Railroad, but we didn’t go on a train ride because we were planning to go on a buggy ride. By the time we stopped at the pottery place for me to choose a birthday gift it started raining, so we skipped the buggy ride and went to lunch at Dienners, an Amish buffet. The food wasn’t anything to write home about, but there was lots of it.

We thought we were headed straight to the hotel after our late lunch (a 3-hour drive), but we ended up taking a detour through Gettysburg. It’s a nice auto tour and there’s a big visitors’ center with tons of artifacts from the battlefields and a huge bookstore. We left there at about 6:30 and got to our hotel at 8:30. Birthday dinner at McDonalds. Sirloin burger in lieu of cake. Went to bed alone, woke up with Aliya’s feet literally in my face. It’s obviously not my birthday any more.

More photos to follow…gotta hit the road.

Video Zombies…


R.T. ’09: Framingham MA to Willow Grove PA

We left home at about 1 p.m., after the kids came home from their last day of Summer Scene. It was in the middle of a huge deluge, and the weather map showed heavy rain for our entire drive to Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (it didn’t last quite that long). Google said it would take us 5 hours, 39 minutes – it ended up taking us about 2 extra hours because of the rain, the traffic, and our pit stop at Kmart in Southbury, Connecticut.

We stopped at Kmart because Aliya was complaining that she was carsick and Adlani was ready to pee his pants. We had just gotten through an hour of sitting in traffic because of a body found beside I-84. Kmart didn’t have the motion sickness wristbands (which may be completely psychological but they work for Aliya), so I got her some Dramamine and she took a non-chewable pill for the first time in her life (she also played a cassette Walkman for the first time in her life). We were so desperate to get out of the car that we took full advantage of our time in Kmart, and full advantage of the fact that nobody knew us. I’m typically shy about taking pictures of random things in public, but when the kids (and Ben!) started hobbling around on the geriatric mobility aids I had to document it.

We finally arrived at the Springhill Suites (Marriott) in Willow Grove PA at about 8:30 p.m. The kids and Ben immediately went to the pool and I ordered Dominos. Our room is nice – 2 beds plus a pull-out couch, and a desk in an alcove for me to stay up late posting in both blogs. In honor of my birthday I was told that I could have a bed all to myself, but unfortunately both beds are currently full so I guess it’s the sofabed for me. Happy birthday to me.

What is up with this plastic chair made to look like a non-plastic chair?

The Tappan Zee Bridge…

The dark lines are the highways where traffic is moving at less than 25 miles per hour:
“She’s no Lori Greene, I know that.” Gia Jobin


Road Trip 2009

It’s that time of year again…the night before we leave for our road trip. The bags are in the car, the dvd player and video games are charged up, and the mailman is holding our mail. We have a housesitter, so don’t get any ideas about short-sheeting our beds and pooping in our toilets while we’re gone. Annie and her caretaker will be here watching the homestead.

This year the annual road trip has taken on a new twist. I volunteered to stop and see someone in Myrtle Beach for work, since we would have been passing by anyway. Since I’m going to see him about a panic device, I’m taking one with me (see giant cardboard box in photo below). Since I’m taking a panic device with me, and since I have quite a few followers of my other blog and I don’t want to put it on hold for 2 weeks, I decided to do a series of posts about taking my panic device on the family road trip.

You can read the first post here if you’re so inclined. I’m going to have to be very careful not to accidentally post on my hardware blog about someone puking in the car, and posting here about the benefits of compression springs in an exit device. That could get ugly.

So we’re off around noon tomorrow…first stop – Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.


Bad Boy

One thing I’ve learned from being Adlani’s mom is never to ask whether he did what he’s being accused of. For example, instead of asking, “Did you hit your sister?” (the answer is always an indignant “No!”), I ask him, “How many times did you hit your sister?” (“Just one, but she deserved it!”)

So a couple of days ago when I heard about an altercation on the Summer Scene bus, I called Adlani downstairs for his arraignment. After about 10 minutes of various stories and false accusations to get himself out of trouble, Aliya told me the story in great detail.

It apparently had to do with his disregard for the seatbelt rule, and his distaste for being told what to do in general. When Aliya and a very nice 4th-grade boy explained to Adlani that he should wear his seatbelt because he wasn’t safe without it, Adlani replied, “Shut up @sshole!” Where does he get that sh!t?? 😉

When I asked Adlani, “Why did you say ‘Shut up @sshole’ ?” (instead of “Did you say…”), Adlani’s response was, “It was all I could think of.”

Yesterday Adlani told me that a kid was picking on him on the bus. I told him that the regular school bus driver didn’t allow bullying on her bus, so when he goes to kindergarten she’ll deal with it. I said, “But I need you to tell me who’s picking on you, like ‘Joe Blow said I stink’ . ” Completely serious, Adlani responded, “Yeah! That’s who was picking on me! Joe Blow!”

I can already tell that this year’s kindergarten experience will be much different than two years ago. I just hope he doesn’t get expelled or set fire to the school. Wish me luck!


City Hall Concert

Last week we had one non-rainy evening in the midst of the storms, so we headed into Boston to see Eguie Castrillo and his orchestra play in City Hall Plaza. It was SO MUCH FUN!
We started by stopping at the aquarium just before closing time so we could see the new fur seal exhibit. Then we walked over to Fanueil Hall (via the fountain) for dinner, and then on to City Hall Plaza. There were SO MANY people from Barbieri and Blocks there because Eguie’s kids go to Barbieri (Blocks last year) and Walsh. The kids had a great time and so did we. We walked back to the car (via the fountain again) pretty late, but it was a beautiful night and Boston was hopping. We stopped to watch a really terrible comedic juggler on the way. Adlani was the only one who thought he was funny, and he was in hysterics. That tells you something right there.
It was a wonderful evening! Thanks Eguie!

Adlani pointed out how much this shark looked like a Bagelful, and he’s right! If I wasn’t so lazy I’d go take a photo of one and upload it to prove it, but I am. Lazy.
