Last Friday was the annual sing-along at Adlani’s school. The kids have been practicing for weeks, and they sang songs in English, Spanish, and Portuguese! It was a gorgeous day and we had a picnic afterward.
Adlani has been having second thoughts about kindergarten…he told me that he doesn’t want to leave the “love and joy” of preschool. I’m so glad Norah can go there next year. She’ll be in Maria’s class which is Spanish immersion, so she should be fluent by the time she gets to kindergarten. I don’t know what they’re going to do with her at that point since she won’t really fit into either of the two typical categories – Spanish speakers who may not have had a lot of preschool, and English speakers who may have had preschool but don’t speak Spanish. The principal told me that it’s a good problem to have, so I’ll leave it to them to figure that out.
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Green Thumbs
When we left for camp last Friday some of our seeds were starting to sprout, so I took the plastic covers off the trays in case they grew more than the 2 inches the cover would allow. This is what we came home to on Monday! I think if I had left the covers on the beans would have just lifted them up or pushed them right off!
The kids are psyched and maybe they’ll actually eat a vegetable if they can pick it out of the garden themselves. Maybe not, but I can hope.
Piglet Flu
Old Yeller
Before I had kids I vowed that I wouldn’t be a yeller, but it’s not that easy to get through life with 3 kids without yelling. I know I yell too much and sometimes I wonder when the kids are going to get so sick of listening to it that they won’t be infatuated with Mommy any more and think I’m a horrible monster.
The other day I found Post-It messages from Aliya all over the bedroom so I guess I haven’t crossed the line yet. Here’s what the Post-Its said:
best mother on the erth.
I love you more than the unaverse.
you make me laph
rock on! yaw
your the best at evrithing
your the suitest person on erth
your the best
you do the nisets thing.
you try to learn spanish
you rock
your my love
you do the rhit things
Quen of the World
you make the world beter
Sniff, sniff 😉