The BLOCKS PTO sponsored a really fun event tonight at Adlani’s preschool. The kids dressed in their pj’s and Elaine Kessler performed. She is SO CREATIVE! Her show was a winter theme and she sang songs about snow boots, penguins, snowmen, snowflakes, etc. The kids were hysterical over the bird puppet in the penguin song. She showed them how to skate using paper plates on their feet, and had a snowstorm and snowball fight with cotton balls. It was a great show and everyone was all tired out by the time she got to the goodbye song. On their way out, the kids were able to swap one of their old boring books for a new exciting one. They loved it…Norah is so ready to go to preschool.
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Channel 4 News
Breathe In…Breathe Out
Yesterday I received some advice about motherhood that I’ve heard umpteen times before…”Enjoy every moment. It’s gone before you can believe it.” I try. I really do. But some moments just cannot be enjoyed without medication.
Snow days should not come in pairs. That should be a rule. We are in the middle of Snow Day #2, and even though I worked until 2 a.m. this morning, I still have things I need to do. While I was talking to one of my coworkers on the phone, I heard Aliya and Norah having way too much fun with their birthday crown painting project and wandered into the dining room in time to see them slathering paint on themselves like it was Oil of Olay. I remained calm until I hung up the phone, and then I turned into a raging beast. There were blobs of paint on the rug, the furniture, and somehow I’m finding it in other areas of the house. I just found a big blob on one of the new leather chairs and a smear on the kitchen floor.
I’m sure some day I’ll look back on this and laugh, as long as I survive my own rage without having an aneurysm.
Family Resemblance
I Need a Little Something to Take the Edge Off
When I was a kid, and even as a pre-motherhood adult, I always wondered why my mother spent my childhood in a rage. I guess she wasn’t always in a rage but she yelled a lot. Mothers always say, “When you have kids, you’ll understand!” (usually at the top of their lungs with their eyes bulging out of their heads), and it’s absolutely true. Now that I have to get 3 kids out of the house every morning, with all of the required clothing and school supplies, I DO understand.
The thing that’s driving me insane is the fact that I have to repeat myself so many times to make anything happen. I know what you’re thinking…if I followed through on my threats the kids would learn that I mean business. Here’s the thing. I DO follow through, and I know that many of you have been witnesses to me following through. It’s not easy to take away trick-or-treating privileges when all of the other kids are on their way out the door with their bags, but sometimes it has to be done.
To improve the morning routine, I have tried threats and punishments, praise and rewards, bribery, going to bed early, getting up early, giving the kids responsibility, making it a team effort…you name it. I lay out clothes, backpacks, and outerwear, and prepare lunch and snacks the night before. Which is why it makes me insane that I find myself yelling every morning. One morning I counted how many times I had to say, “Put on your shoes/socks/underwear/pants/shirt,” in order to get all 3 kids dressed. 34 TIMES!!! And that didn’t include outerwear!
This morning I heard myself yell, “YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN?! YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO MAKE ME INSANE SO I END UP IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION, AND THEN YOU WON’T HAVE A MOTHER!!” I’m pretty sure I heard that one from Mom in 1976. Thanks Mom.