
Over the weekend I kept having chest pains but since I didn’t die I figured they weren’t indicative of a heart attack. This morning I went to see Dr. Bob (my chiropractor) and I had SEVERAL SUBLUXATED RIBS! What’s up with that?! I’m feeling so old!

At Dr. Bob’s office I met an 85-year-old lady named Shirley. She told me all about the assisted living complex where she lives. She said the only bad thing was that her friends and neighbors keep dying – 8 people in just over a year. Isn’t that sad?

Update: According to Dr. Bob, it’s very likely that Ben caused my subluxated ribs when he inexplicably LIFTED ME off the ground. That’s ironic, because he’s the one who spent the weekend complaining that I was unable to perform my wifely duties in the matter to which he has become accustomed.

6th Grade

This photo was posted today a 6th grade classmate’s Facebook page. I’m the skinny one in the middle of the back row with the light-colored shirt. It’s so surreal to look at these kids and wonder where they are now. I skipped my senior year of high school so I’ve never felt very connected with my high school class and I haven’t gone to any reunions so I have no idea what happened to most of these people. I give my old friend and neighbor Lisa Missbrenner (in front of me to my left) kudos for finding me and hooking me up with a few of my other old pals. If you’re not on Facebook and have lots of time to blow by looking at friends of friends to see if you know them, get on it!

Happy Birthday Pam!

I really like things to be orderly, so I usually post my blog entries in the order in which they happen, but sometimes I’m thwarted by a certain entry, and then I don’t post anything else because that entry is holding me up. That’s what happened last week. So here are two entries that are “out of order”:

Two weeks ago, we went to Pam’s 40th birthday party at the Eagles Club in Framingham. It was the GREATEST party – maybe the best party I’ve ever been to. Words can’t adequately describe the attention to detail and the blast that was had by all, and the quantity of photos was completely overwhelming. This had to be the most photographed event of 2009 next to Obama’s inauguration. I have viewed over 700 photos and have included some of my own below.

Some of the special touches included:
~ a drink menu which included the Pam-tini and other special drinks
~ martini glasses with the Pam-tini logo filled with snack foods
~ mood lighting and a fabulous buffet
~ a picture of Pam in her silver prom dress on the cake
~ a framed photo with a mat for all to sign
~ a banner showing the many faces of Pam
~ our favorite karaoke guy from Samba (Jamie)
~ PROPS! – hats, wigs, glasses, inflatable instruments
~ personalized karaoke performances including Tara’s amazing rendition of Womanizer

A good time was had by all (obviously)!
