Ice Skating!

Aliya started ice skating lessons today with the Park & Rec Department (a bargain at $30 for 6 lessons!). I wasn’t sure how it was going to go since she had never been on skates before and had a steep learning curve. She looked so cute out there on her skinny legs. She LOVED skating and was really proud of herself for improving so much in one lesson.

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Last Friday at Adlani’s school, the PTO sponsored a visit from Eguie Castrillo, an awesome percussionist who happens to be the dad of Adlani’s classmate Diego. Eguie kept the almost-300 preschoolers, staff, and parents tapping, clapping, wiggling, and stomping along with the beat for about an hour and everyone LOVED IT! He had instruments from all over the world and showed the kids how they made different sounds. My favorite was an instrument made of keys (for obvious reasons). The highlight was a guest appearance from Diego, who is amazing on the drums.



In case you’re wondering whether I’ve been abducted by aliens or have been leading a completely unblogworthy existence, I’ve not been taken to the mother ship and I have a big backlog of stuff to post. It has been a rough few weeks with waaaaaaay too much to do and not nearly enough sleep. I had a dentist appointment a couple of weeks ago and fell asleep in the chair twice! I woke myself up by snoring! The dentist told me that they once had a woman fall asleep in the chair at 2 p.m., and they turned off the light and left her there. She woke up at 6 p.m.!!! All I could think about was how many people would be affected if I took a 4-hour unscheduled nap. I paid each of the kids $5 to let me take a half-hour nap today, and it was well worth it. I snuggled up under two blankets on the couch with a big smile on my face and was asleep within a minute. I ended up sleeping for over two hours which is why I’m awake and typing this now.

Here’s what we’ve been up to…

Happy Birthday Billy!!!

Today we celebrated Baby Billy’s 1st birthday with a costume party at the Moose Lodge in Marlborough. Billy is such a big boy and has learned to walk so he can escape from Norah. We all had a great time and Adlani reaffirmed his love for Isabel (his future wife). Ben, Ginny, and I were Popeye, Brutus, and Olive Oyl, and the kids were the Glow Fairy, Red Power Ranger, and Rainbow Bear. Happy Birthday Big Buy!!!

(Coincidentally, the Moose Lodge is the location of Saturday-night karaoke with $2.35 Heinekens served by one of my moonlighting coworkers. Let’s check it out soon, Karaoke Queens!)


Portrait Simple

I got proactive this year and booked our appointment at Portrait Simple for this morning. It was already pretty busy with everyone having their holiday portraits done, but the kids were more cooperative than last year and we got some good shots. Here’s a preview…watch your mail for a copy in our holiday card (Notice I didn’t say WHICH holiday…could be Christmas, New Year’s, or Valentine’s Day. Don’t wait by the mailbox.)