I don’t have oral cancer. Yay.

Aside from an unexpected professional house-cleaning which I am still rejoicing over, the other stand-out event of last week was a trip to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned.  Normally, I wouldn’t expect a teeth-cleaning to be very exciting, but I spent almost 3 hours in the chair followed by a separate appointment with the oral surgeon a couple of days later.

One of my crowns had fallen off a couple of days before the cleaning, and luckily I recovered it right away rather than losing it down the chute.  I had the crown with me at the dentist, but the hygienist had to clean the exposed tooth before re-cementing it.  She needed to give me Novocain before the cleaning, so she gave me 2 shots and then as she prepared to give me a 3rd, she suddenly exclaimed, “Oh my God!  It’s huge back here!!  Are you in pain???” and on and on.  She felt around for a few minutes and peered in several times, and then decided that she didn’t dare give me another shot because she didn’t want to stick the needle in the “problem area.”

The hygienist’s reaction made it very obvious that she thought there was something wrong with me, and that it was serious.  I literally trembled through the whole cleaning.  When the hygienist left the room I started Googling for possibilities, and none of them were good.  When my dentist (who I have known and loved for many years) came in after the cleaning, she was white as a ghost and had a very fearful expression.  I told her that she should never play Poker…it was obvious that she was worried.  She said, “You know why I’m concerned, right?”

Well, I had no idea other than the Google results, but she started talking about oral cancer.  ORAL CANCER??  What are the chances?  I’ve smoked 17 cigarettes in my life (I remember this because I bought 1 pack at the age of 16ish, and I managed to smoke all but 3 of them before the pack was discovered in my secret hiding place – a can of tennis balls with the pack on the bottom).  I’m not a big drinker, and I even tested negative for HPV.  I guess anything’s possible, but when I obsess about what I’m going to die from, oral cancer isn’t in the Top 20.

The dentist FINALLY looked into my mouth and within 2 seconds she said, “Oh.  That’s not what that is.”  O-M-G.  W-T-F?  Couldn’t we have squared this away before the cleaning??

What the hygienist saw was bruising and swelling caused when the missing crown allowed my cheek tissue to expand into the void, and then I bit it a few times.  I’m sure it looked scary when she saw it, but she should have either a) kept it to herself rather than exclaiming about it, or b) brought the dentist in right away rather than making me fear the worst through the whole cleaning.  I still love my dentist and hygienist, but I think a change in procedure is in order.

I had to go see the oral surgeon because it’s their protocol in that situation, and at that point he couldn’t even see what had been visible two days before.  He said my cheek was “within normal limits,” so I guess I can go back to obsessing about the other possibilities for my demise.

High Hopes for 2012

I think 2012 is going to be my year.  I feel a bit ungrateful complaining about the other years, but there have been some challenges.  The biggest challenge for the last year or two has been the lack of time, resulting from my job.  It’s not my company’s fault…I take full responsibility, but I got myself into a situation that I had a tough time getting out of.  I had my “day job,” managing my team of 6, and with my other blog I had created my “night job,” teaching people about building code requirements (and other door-related stuff) and answering questions for people around the world.

The work I did in my night job was very beneficial to my industry and company, but it was not my official job.  The information that I provide is almost impossible to find elsewhere, and I couldn’t turn away people who needed help.  But between both sets of duties, my family, and my attempt at sleeping 6 hours per night (instead of 4), I couldn’t manage it all and this blog has suffered.  Since I see this blog as a family chronicle, it pains me that I haven’t been able to keep it up.  The memorable moments and funny situations are still happening, and I hate that I’m not capturing and sharing them.

Well, things are looking up.

About 2 weeks ago I asked human resources for a meeting to discuss making my “night job” my official job.  I explained what I do and why it was valuable to the company, and the additional work I’d be able to do if it was my “real” job.  I had no idea that they were in the middle of planning a reorganization, and that I would be receiving an offer for an expanded role the following day.  Bad timing.  As thankful as I was to receive the offer of a promotion, I knew that it would leave me with even less time to do everything else.  So I asked for a decision on the new job I proposed before making a decision about the job I had been offered.  It felt a little risky to be the fly in the ointment but I needed to know.

Just over a week later I was offered the job I had asked for, reporting to a great guy that I’ve know since 1984 and work very well with.  I don’t have any people to manage, and my boss only has me to manage, so we’re a team of 2.  It’s up to us to decide what I should work on next, so I will have a lot of control over what I’m doing.  I wouldn’t change one thing about the job, and I’m so excited to be able to have a job doing what I love to do.  It’s very validating to have the company support me and understand how the things I do add value for our customers.  I’ll still be working hard but I hope it will be a little less overwhelming and give me more time for the things that have fallen by the wayside.

On a related note, my other blog was chosen from among the other President’s Award winners to be considered for a Chairman’s Award.  I think it’s a long shot that I’ll win, but the exposure has been great and just being nominated is an honor.

I didn’t make any New Years’ resolutions this year, but I have high hopes that I can make some progress on reclaiming the house from the pack-rats and the marker-wielding graffiti artist, continue to improve my physical and mental health, and get back in the habit of sharing our family’s events – big and small – with you.  It looks like my other project, the long-awaited book related to my work, is going to be used as the text-book for an upcoming industry course, so that’s added motivation to get it done.  I’m just waiting on the course outline so I can put the information in the proper order. 

I think 2012 is my year.  I hope it’s your year too.

Another Milestone

Norah’s class has been waiting impatiently for her tooth to fall out, which adds to the excitement of snack-time and lunch.  I finally pulled it out tonight, but there’s another wiggly one ready to keep the class occupied for the next week or so.  The bad news is that the tooth fairy may have to raid Aliya’s piggy bank.  I can already hear the conversation…Aliya:  “Mo-om, did you take my money to buy coffee again?”  Me:  “Nope!  It was the tooth fairy!”  🙂

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday morning we had breakfast with Santa at one of my customers’ companies in South Boston.  This is an annual event and we have been attending for 8 years.  It’s one of the highlights of the holiday season for the kids.  Santa and his wife told me a cute story about something that happened at the breakfast with Santa when Adlani was around 2.  Santa hands out gifts to each child, which the parents assist with.  The budget for the gifts is $10 each, to try to keep it equitable.  So Adlani received a really cool top from Santa that year, and he just loved it.  Then the little boy next to him opened a scale-model Hess truck, with a helicopter on the top.  Adlani looked at the truck and looked back at his top a few times, then took his top back up to Santa, handed it over and said, “Ruck!  Ruck!”  I had no clue about what was going on and neither did Santa, but Mrs. Claus did and she tells the story every year. 

The paper in Santa’s hand is a page that Norah colored for him.


Here’s a photo from the year of the “ruck” (2008):

This video was taken the following year and not much has changed since then…Santa is the real deal:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gyXjU6xUro&w=420&h=315]